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Writer's pictureWORLDWARRIERS

WCW at HARIPAD with Varier samajam, Kerala


Earlier to the said Annual Meet of VSK, under one of the basic principles of WCW, viz, to co-operate & co-ordinate with all other Warrier organizations, WCW had approached VSK, for their consent for taking up & handling the following two matters at VSK�s Haripad meet venue.

(a). An innovative experiment to webcast live, all major programmes of VSK'S annual meet covering the three days with WCW making all arrangements & meeting the cost of such webcasting. (b). For formal inauguration of WCW'S & VSK'S mutually agreed project of launching EYE DONATION AWARENESS campaign in Kerala, with WCW & its associate sponsors meeting the costs of the campaign & VSK providing the venues for the campaign invarious parts of Kerala.

Both the proposals were formally approved by VSK & WCW promptly & within Short time organized both the above tasks undertaken by it.

(a) Live Webcasting :

The live webcasting of the principal items of VSK'S programmes at Haripad covered a total duration of 22 hours & with this webcasting undertaken for the first time using Warriers. Org. portal, many community members staying in far away cities, towns, etc & even overseas centers, could watch the actions & proceedings of the Haripad functions. A team from "" from Ernakulam provided the technical backup & a professional team from Varrier Samajam, Coimbatore provided support at the venue including interviews with key officials of VSK & selected persons from the audience. A group of over a dozen sponsors provided the financial support to meet costs of the webcasting. This unique effort by WCW was very well appreciate by VSK'S key office bearers & even by almost everybody else at the venue & many, appreciative & congratulatory telephone calls were received from various people. This effort of WCW created a new chapter in the exposure of VSK to a much larger section of the Warrier community within & outside Kerala, including overseas centers. If this experiment is repeated in future withmuch more planning & technicalities, a very large section of our community members, wherever they may be in the world can & will participate directly or indirectly in the entire Warrier community movements in Kerala & rest of India.

(b) Eye Donation Awareness Campaign :

WCW has taken up as one of its projects to spread the message of the need for donating eyes after the death of people. This is a noble social cause & it could help many blind /visually impaired persons to restore their eye sight & see the world with all its glory. WCW proposed to VKS in August 2011, to take up as a joint project of VSK & WCW, the spreading of the message of awareness & need for donating a person's eyes after his / her death so that the eyes could be transplanted to some blind person & his / her eye sight restored. In this project WCW requested VSK to provide mainly major venues where persons of our community & even others congregate for some social or other noble causes. In addition, WCW had also sought help of some dedicated personnel to propagate the concept & message of eye donation among the local people. All other costs related to the campaign would be met by WCW / other co-sponsors. The proposal was accepted by VSK & to begin the campaign, it was formally inaugurated by Padmashree P.R. Krishnakumar, Mg. Director, AVP, Coimbatore, on 19th May at the Haripad Venue of VSK's AGM. Eye donation pledge cards to be retained in the donor's houses were displayed & distributed to volunteers who came forward to pledge to donate eyes. All costs of providing the eye pledge cards & related expenses were met by WCW & its co-sponsors, including Varier Samajam, Mumbai & Mr. K.V. Ramachandran (Ex. President, Varier Samajam Mumbai.) The campaign will now be spread to all district / other centers in Kerala, as VSK may plan & advise WCW.

(c). "Suhrut" Sammelan on 20.05.2012.

.WCW also participated in the 'Suhrut' (friendship) Sammelan on 20th May along with representatives from Varier Samajams located outside Kerala. Mr. K. Appu Warrier, Treasurer, WCW, represented WCW. During his address to the gathering, Mr. Appu Warrier made it explicitly clear that the aims, objectives & functioning systems of WCW were to co-operate & co-ordinate with various existing Warrier organizations in setting up projects of social significance & to provide charitable & other aids to needy persons of the community. In addition, WCW also would be setting up major & long term capital intensive projects for benefit of the community & the society in general. He totally dispelled the fears of few Varier Organization members that WCW would either take over such organizations or interfere in their activities. He said WCW would come to assist &/or co-ordinate with other organizations, only if such organizations approach / invite WCW for co-operating / jointly working with them. Mr. Appu Varier also made it clear that as WCW would normally be taking up only major projects, it would take time for organizing resources & implementing them. In the meantime, WCW could extend helping hand to any organization engaged in projects of considerable social benefit. In this context he mentioned about the 'CREMATORIUM' project of Aluva unit of Varier Samajam, Kerala, & on the spot announced an initial contribution of Rs. 25,000/- from WCW, for the project. He also announced that when the final details of the crematorium project are worked out, including investment & operational details, WCW could step in to provide required funds gap to implement the project. Mr. Appu Warrier also indicated that if any other unit of VSK &/or any other Varier Organization had any projects which could be of considerable benefit to the community, WCW would be willing to participate in them based on investment requirement & project viability aspects.

All announcements made by Mr. Appu Warrier, on behalf of WCW were welcomed with applause by the audience.

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